In the beginning, the Great Dragon, known only as Io, swam through an endless void of space but soon grew weary of emptiness and distant stars. Upon discovering a giant rock, the Dragon decided to rest. Once there, it laid two unusual eggs, one of gold and one of silver. From these eggs burst Sol and Luna, two beings of indescribable majesty and power.
The Dragon adored the bright, radiant
warmth of Sol, but did not show much interest in Luna, only sleeping
when she was present. Luna became tired of existing in the shadows,
so one day she disguised herself as Sol, eclipsing him. She gathered
the leftover dust from ancient stars and used it to make the Dragon
fall into a deep, perpetual sleep.
The Dragon burrowed into the rock, it's
spine jutting out to form mountains, it's red, fiery breath escaping
in plumes from volcanoes. When it began snoring, the surface of the
rock shook violently. From the cracks, the sky and sea were released,
surrounding the rock in blue.
Sol was not pleased with Luna and
fought with her, leaving scars still visible from below. When the
battle ended, the sun looked down and saw the sea for the first time,
reflecting his own radiant light in hypnotic waves. Sol warmed the
sea and she gave birth to the first creatures and green plants.
Thinking that Sol would claim the sea as his own, the sky created
storms, blocking Sol's light from the object of his affection. In
retaliation, Sol separated the sky and sea, never to be joined again.
The sea grieved, her tears filling the
lakes and rivers of the world and retreated to the depths of the
ocean. Many of the sea's children left for land, drawn by the light
of their father, others stayed behind. The largest of these land
creatures, the giants, carved great canyons from the rock.
The Great Dragon may have been sleeping
but it still dreamed, and from it's dreams, Bahamut and Tiamat,
manifested. Who in turn brought metallic and chromatic dragons into
the world. When these young dragon descendents encountered the
giants, war was waged between them for hundreds of years, wiping out
huge swaths of creatures. This mass extinction of life did not go
unnoticed by the Old Gods.
Sol convened a meeting and it was
decided, they would call upon forces from the Elemental Plane, to
stabilize the world. The cycle of life and death would need to be
balanced to prevent future catastrophes. The Four Elements were each
given a corresponding season, and a representative in the world
tasked with maintaining equilibrium.
Bahamut too, saw the need for order and
joined with the Old Gods. They banished Tiamat to the Abyss for
sowing evil in the world, then took their place in the Astral Plane.